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Media Credits

Multimedia Sources Utilized

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The harmonic audio element that opens and ends IP Casts is borrowed under a Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 License: almusic34. Peace in the light. [mp3 music recording.] Retrieved October 1, 2018 from

Figure 1 is used under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license: Hamasaki, Kengo. (2010). Interfaces [Image]. Retrieved October 1, 2018 from

Figure 2 is used under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0 license: Evanson, Tim. (2012). Albert V. Bryan Federal District Courthouse, Alexandria, VA [Image]. Retrieved October 1, 2018 from

Figure 3 is a fair-use of a work in the public domain: Statute of Anne. (1710). Retrieved January 19, 2019, from

Figure 4 is an array of images including 2 Live Crew's As Nasty as They Wanna Be album cover and a brief excerpt from the the song that features the music sampled from Roy Orbison's (1964) "Oh Pretty Woman," the famous Anne Leibovitz Vanity Fair cover of Demi Moore, and Paramount Pictures' Naked Gun 33 & 1/3 poster. As media utilized in landmark fair-use cases, they have been incorporated here to illustrate and enact how fair-use applies to critical and educational uses of copyrighted media.

Figure 5 is a fair-use of a work in the public domain: Côte, Jean Marc/Villemard. (1901/1910). At school [Postcard]. En L'an 2000 [Seires of artistic visions of the future year 2000]. Retrieved January 17, 2019 from

Figure 6 is a fair use of a work in the public domain: Bauder, Lewis. (1906). IV&emdash;Development of Western telegraphy: Scene in Hyde Park. Punch from

Figure 7 is used under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 2.0 license: blese. (2006). Data stream [Image]. Retrieved January 19, 2019, from

Figure 8 is used under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0 license: Lauren, Castio T. (2015). Unplugged [Image]. Retrieved January, 19, 2019 from

Figure 9 is used under a Creative Commons CC BY 2.0 license: Jurvetson, Steve. (2011). SJC Wire Nest [Image]. Retrieved October 1, 2018 from

Figure 10 is an array of an image adapted from a public domain accompanied by a brief excerpt from Inner Circle's (1993) "Bad Boys" (utilized under fair-use). Rhead, Louis (1912). Sheriff of Nottingham [Woodcut]. Bold Robin Hood and His Outlaw Band: Their Famous Exploits in Sherwood Forest. New York: Blue Ribbon Books. Retrieved October 1, 2018 from

Figure 11 is a tweet and accompanying metadata pulled from the Twitter API used under fair-use and with permission from Renee Hobbs.

Figure 12 makes fair-use of an array of (once) publicly available tweets cited in above for the purpose of criticism.

Figure 13 is a fair-use screen capture from Tim Amidon's Canvas LMS page.

Figure 14 is an embedded media element making fair-use of Grabill, Jeffrey T. (2016, May 24). Jeff Grabill's 2016 Computers & Writing Keynote Address—Video, Transcript, Reactions. Eli Review Retrieved October 1, 2018 from

Figure 15 is makes fair-use of Figures 1.5 & 1.6 from Umoja Noble, Safiya. (2018).Algorithms of oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. New York, NY: New York University Press.

Figure 16 Redlining Map of Denver [Screen capture] is borrowed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommericial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License from Nelson, Robert K., LaDale, Winling, Richard Marciano, Connoly, Nathan, et al. Mapping Inequality. America Panorama (Eds. Robert K. Nelson & Edward L. Ayers). Retrieved October 1, 2018 from


Thank you

The authors would like to thank special issue guest editors Karen Lunsford and John Logie for their generosity and kindness in supporting this project and offering sage advice whenever we requested it. We would also like to acknowledge our gratitude for the three anonymous reviewers who took time to provide insightful and generative feedback on the webtext. Additionally, we would like to recognize the editors and staff of Kairos who do so much behind the scenes to make bring these webtexts out into the world. Most importantly, we would like to recognize TyAnna her mentorship, scholarship, and friendship: we will miss you.



The information and ideas contained in this webtext are not intended to be understood as legal advice, but rather as an exploration of the potential tensions that may exist between how authorship functions as a legal concept and how authorship is practiced and theorized in educational contexts.

Webtext design adapted from © Escape Velocity by HTML5 UP under a Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 license.